2007年11月29日 星期四

English corner---Custom

After missing two classes, I finally went to the English corner on this wed.
The last two classes didn't actually have discussing topics; instead, they played special cards games to relax after the mid-term exams.

As I had a Chinese report last week, I skipped classes reluctantly. Yesterday's topic is about "customs". However, I didn't exactly meet cultural shocks or realize any special difference in culture when I was abroad (I have been to USA, Singapore and Japan). So, I spent most of time listening and asking questions.

From this class, what impressed me most is the origin about the Thanks Giving Day.

I used to think it as a festival for all American and a day to thank the Indians who helped them to survive in the poor environment when those pioneers first came to America. But from a Christian in my group, he told us that it's a festival for all Christians and they not only thank Indians but also the gods who protected them during their journey to the states.

Nest week there will be a speech contest held in English corner, so we won't have topic for it. And the topic for the next next week is about blogs!! I think this time I'll have lots to say!!
