2007年10月31日 星期三

A Gathering Light

oh, i finally finished the book!! it doesn't mean it is boring, instead, it is

quite interesting. Mattie was the main character in the book. she was a talented writter. but since her mother died early and she was the eldest child in her family after her bother ran away, she had no choice but do part-time jobs and all the housework. however, her ambition to compose was so strong that she secretly applied to an university in New York, and was admitted. but then, she met difficulties, her father didn't let her go, she didn't have enough money and the most important thing was, she fall in love with a man, Royal. when she was suffering from whether she should go or not, a woman gave her a bundle of letters and asked her to destroy them. after few days, the woman was found dead in a lake. the story then tokd about how Mattie made her decision and how those letters influenced her dicision.

it was the first time i read about spiritual story. i usually read science fictionns and advanturous and romantic novels. at first, i tried to highlight new words as i read it, but i soon found it only ruined my interest in reading. so i gave up doing it and immediately got my interest back.

because i seldom read that kind of books, i could hardly understand the meaning in some parts of it. what impressed me the most was when Mattie being tore between whether to go after her dream or stay and marry to Royal. i put myself into her shoe and wondering which i would choose. it was hard, but i think i would choose the same decision as she did. although Royal did love Mattie but they were too different. they would surely feel happy in the beginning of their marriage, but since Royal put more attention on farming stuff, Mattie would have to give up her dream of being a writter to care for a whole family. i don't think she will feel content if she marry to Royal. she was still young, and her fututure shouldn't only be a good housewife. besides, that's her dream, she wouldn't have another cahnce if she missed this one, and i'm sure she regret for it afterwards, therefore, although the endind is not perferct, it is good to see her get into the train heading to New York!!

2007年10月25日 星期四

find and lost 1

after i paid the money by the easy card on the bus, i quickly chose a seat to sit with my friend and continued our conversation. when we were chating, the bus soon took us to the stop of MRT station.

however, as soon as i got off, i realized that i couldn't find my easy card!! " it must be left on the bus" i thought, but the bus had gone away, i could just took out my wallet to buy the MRT's ticket in change.

"oh, no, the train is going to leave" my friend shouted, and we ran down the stairs as fast as we could. but i was still a bit late, and i could just wave good-bye to my friend who ran so fast and got on the train.

therefore, i took the next one. the car was empty and i put all my stuff on the seat beside me and read the book i borrowed from my classmate.

i got home quickly since i live near the MRT station. however, much to my surprise, i couldn't find my wallet!! i searched all the pockets in my begs, and, suddenly, the easy card i thought had bring left on the bus showed up. but i didn't have time to be happy about it as my wallet was nowhere to be found!!

in the end, i thought it must have being left on the MRT= ="

i'd like it is the easy card i lost instead of my wallet, because there were some important cards in it and also three hundred dollars!!

Newie Seminar

On this weekend, I attended Aiesec's Newie Seminar. It was held at Chinese Culture uni. I wasn't planning to attend the activity previously, since I was not sure whether it was right the club I wanted, and I was afraid it would be a waste of time and money.

The assembling time was 7:20, so I had to get up at 6:00. But I overslept and got up at 6:30. I was really in a rush, and I couldn't even have my breakfast!! thanks dad for driving me to the MRT station, therefore, I could be on time and didn't have to go to the university by myself.

The first friend I made with was Nancy. Although I found out that she had graduated from university lately, I thought she was easy to get along with. We got there at about nine o'clock, and the activity started at about ten o'clock( so, why do we have to wake up so early= =")

" work at day and party at night" which is what Aiesec believe in. therefore, we had lessons nearly all day. I felt like that my bottom was glued to the chair, and ate one meal after another without a slightly movement!!

The lessons were to introduce what Aiesec is and what are the members of it doing. However, since I didn't have enough sleep, I kept dozing off, if not afraid of being taken pics, I might have rested on the desk…..

What impressed me most during this activity was the Miss party held in the first evening, it was a game to help those chosen men from each team to look like girls. , as it was a game to make everyone to feel" uncomfortable", the result was obvious, we did feel "uncomfortable" ><,

and then it was the beer game. Although I didn't joined it , I cheered and screamed loudly as my teammates filling their stomach with beer and the moment we won the game. With many people half drunk, the final show, Aiesec dance, started!! In spite of my poor dancing skills, I still had a great time to exercise after a whole day's sitting!! On that night, I was so tired that I fell asleep as soon as I hit my bed. Next day, we still had a lots of lessons, and I still dozed off sometime. But what depressed me most was that although some trainees did come that day, our team didn't have the opportunity to talk with them, oh, why couldn't we???? The activity came to an end at about seven o'clock. On this weekend, I couldn't exactly tell what I've learned since I daydreamed a lot (shame on me>///<), but I did make with friends with students from other schools, and it is the best I got from this activity!!

2007年10月19日 星期五

ha ha ~~just for fun

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english corner

on wednesday, i attended English corner's course that my school set recently. it was a course for our students to have a place, time and an opportunity to practice speaking english!!

since i couldn't find anyone to go with me on wednesday, i went by myself.

i spent quite a while to find the class, couldn't blame me, although it was at an easy-spotted place, it didn't like a classroom at all. there were a bar and sofas and even a balcony!!

we prated into three groups, and each one had a leader. my leader was a graduated student named Connie. she's really a good person, if not her, i doubted that we could have such a wonderful time!!

since it was the first class, we started from introducing ourselves. after that, we talked about some normal questions like, what's your favorite food, what's your hobby, etc. it was really interesting to speak english as it was our mother language, (of coz i couldn't speak it as fluently as speak chinese><)

some of my group's members were really shy, but i believed it was just a matter of time, and they'll be speak out loud as time goes by!!

our next week's topic is about travel, ooo~~i can't wait

2007年10月18日 星期四

My Comprehensive English Enhancement Plan for 2007-2008 School Year

●1.special goal: i want to have a good score on my TOEFL test when i take the test in my sencond or third year.
●2. Specific actions to achieve that goal:i will memorize at least ten new words everyday, and i will listen to Advance four or five days a week; i'll read as many english novels as i can.
●3. keeping track and evaluation

it strange to see this on my blog = =", anyway, just make it a start
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