2007年12月18日 星期二

A Nature Trip

This Sunday, i went to 基隆's 和平島 with my grandma, uncle and his family. Though it was sunny in Taipei, it was cloudy in 基隆. Our destination was 和平島's coast.

As soon as i got off the car, the salty smell of the sea reminded me how long i hadn't come so close to the sea.

It was really a good day for visiting the coast. Without fearing sunburnned and getting cold, we had a very wonderful afternoon at the coast.

The sea was calm and peaceful. Waves came and went rhythmedly; snowy sprays danced and cheered happily. Carved by wind, rain and sprays, rocks of srange shapes and sizes dotted the shore. Not too far away, we saw and island sit in the sea and a ship moving to the horizon.

All the things formed such a breathtaking view that even a camera couldn't store its beauty.

We sat on a flat rock, listening to the song of the sea, of nature until it was getting darker and darker.

Oh, what a refreshing nature trip!!!
