2007年12月20日 星期四

celebration party

Yestersay we held a party to celebrate our winning the second place in the drama contest.
We went to an Italian restaurant for dinner. After we ordered our meals,we started the party with watching our fabulous performance. No matter how many times I've watched, I just can't get tired of it. Our drama is so funny and touching!!
As we were having our meals, we played a game called "the king game" at the same time. Its rule is easy. First, pick out pokers cards counting on how many people play, usually we pick pokers having the same token. But notice, there must be a poker , no less, no more. Second, everyone picks out a card from the picked cards without watching. Then, person who has poker K will named one or two numbers and people who have those numbers on cards haave to do whatever the king ask them to do.
It was quite exciting, especially when there were both boys and girls. Some penalties were normal, like messaging each other or feeding each other. And some were terrible and disgusting, like licking other's ear, eating the same noodle or kissing on other's forehead( it was quite embarrasing between boys and girls) We played the game for a long time before changing to another.
In the second game, we parted into two groups. The game was about acting. Each team chose some people, and they have to perform a thing by moving their bodies without speaking. And their teamates had to figure out what they were mimicing. The team who figures out the most would be the winner. It was also a funny game. Afterwards, we played some more games and soon, it was time to go home . Although meals there weren't really delicious, we did have a good time, and we took a lot of pictures!!

2007年12月18日 星期二

A Nature Trip

This Sunday, i went to 基隆's 和平島 with my grandma, uncle and his family. Though it was sunny in Taipei, it was cloudy in 基隆. Our destination was 和平島's coast.

As soon as i got off the car, the salty smell of the sea reminded me how long i hadn't come so close to the sea.

It was really a good day for visiting the coast. Without fearing sunburnned and getting cold, we had a very wonderful afternoon at the coast.

The sea was calm and peaceful. Waves came and went rhythmedly; snowy sprays danced and cheered happily. Carved by wind, rain and sprays, rocks of srange shapes and sizes dotted the shore. Not too far away, we saw and island sit in the sea and a ship moving to the horizon.

All the things formed such a breathtaking view that even a camera couldn't store its beauty.

We sat on a flat rock, listening to the song of the sea, of nature until it was getting darker and darker.

Oh, what a refreshing nature trip!!!

2007年12月13日 星期四

Dram Contest

After nearly a month’s practice, the drama contest was held on the last Sunday.

Our topic was about a girl who could see what others are thinking, and she finally realized that the society was heavily sick. No one chased their dreams; what they caring about was only their creature comforts. But as the girl yelled out the terrible truth, everyone just ignored her and saw her as a freak.

The drama contest was the second significant activity I attended in university. We began with fewer than fifteen persons and ended up with more than thirty!!

Everyone spent lots of time and effort performing this fabulous play. During the month, we worked, had meals and laughed together. Everyone tried his/her best to conquer every difficulty we met. It was so great!!! I really felt as a member of a big family!!

As a result, we won the second place of the contest!!

We were not surprised as we put so much effort and time in it. On the other hand, even we didn’t get a prize, no one would be regret for it, because what we really cared wasn’t the result but the priceless memories we can keep forever!!

In the end, I just want to yell:
Congratulation, every drama fellows!! We are the best!!

2007年12月4日 星期二

A Creative Person

My favorite creative person is Neil Buchanan. I got to know him on one of the programs in Disney’s channel, Art Attack.
To my surprise, Neil was originally a musician instead of an artist. He used to be in a rock band called Marseille.
Neil grew up in Aintree, Liverpool. He has been interested in art since he was very young. However, when he entered the Liverpool Art College, they told him that he wasn’t good enough. As the result, he walked out without looking back.
Neil set up the program, Art Attack, about twelve years ago. And now, the program is seen in 32 countries, including six non-English speaking countries where there is a different presenter.
Whenever Neil comes up a new idea, he’ll sketch it down roughly, and his fantastic team working for the program will develop his idea and break them into the stage. His two daughters are also his helper. Neil will show his new idea to them, and if they give him a thumb up, the idea will stay in the program, and comes out if they give him a thumb down.

His program can be actually separated into two parts.
In the first one he’ll teach us how to do some little and easy art craft with easy usual materials, such as resin, expired news paper, milk bottles etc. it’s really interesting and useful when I have to make some decorations.

The other part is called “big art attack”. It’s my favorite part!!! In it, he’ll appear in a special place like a discarded house or a harbor, and then, he’ll use materials he can get from the place to puzzle a big picture. However, after browsing through his website, to me a little disappointed, those pictures have been designed beforehand. But still, it didn’t change my favor to it, after all, he will be a true genuine if he makes all those pictures right on the scene!!
From his experience, I learned that we can’t easily give up when we are defeated. We shall still stick to our thought but only change our way to present them. And also, even we’re genuine in something, we still have to listen to others’ thoughts, therefore we can do a better job than do it by ourselves.